Friday, April 27, 2007

What's after web site making? PROMO ???

Yes - Promos!!! no use to have an awesome site if it doesn't reach the desired audience. Every new website creator's major worry is promoting it.

There are 12 to 101 ways to promote websites, with or without cost when you google at it. The best practical list I read is at
- A nice blogger with great views!

Also a good read on non-tech guide to web application creation by the same blogger at -

The day one, one conceptualizes the idea of a website, one should start thinking on ways to promote it. To Sell isn't easy definitely. As they say, "No Sales, No job", in the web world- "No Promos, No Existence"


Sarah Blow said...

Once you create a site, consider telling people about it... Word of mouth is a powerful thing... blog comments are also a good way to spread the word!

Gayathri Sankaran said...

yes, word of mouth/Blog comments is a powerful way and easy one but it takes its own time to reach!